Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Biggest Loser - I nak kurus!!!!

I've been feeling very low lately - low energy, tired, not feeling like doing very much. Generally not interested in anything lah...!!! I am sick of my "baby fat", feeling like a tub of lard, my love handles and not being able to buy clothes off the rack.

Ironically, I am not THAT fat! Ya lah, need to lose about 15kg. I weight in at 60kg now and I am only 161cm tall. Been hearing once too often comments like, "If only you're not so fat, you will look quite cute", "You have bea
utiful features but need to lose weight lah", " Wahh, your butt sobig lah".

Nope, my weight gain is not from having a kid. I have always been chubby throughout my adolescence years. I lost quite a bit of weight and was at my ideal weight when I was working as a flight attendant. I gained weight consistently over several years being in a very happy relationship. When I got pregnant, I weighed about 48kg and went up to about 60kg just before I gave birth to Rayhan in 2007. Lost all those weight during confinement. Thanks to breastfeeding, I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight very quickly. Now I've gained more! I need to get back to my pre-Hubby weight!

Ironically, I know what to do. Just do not have the discipline to follow through and stick to healthy living. I know I need to reduce my food portion and watch what I eat. I know I need to eat more fruit and veg and less meat and rice. I know I need to cut out refined-carbo. I know I need to cut out snacking while watching TV at night. I know I need to get off my butt and exercise. My most recent healthy living spurt was going on a "Fit For Life" diet which was not combining protein and carbo. Stuck to that for about 30 days and lost 5kg. If that was the rate of weight loss, I just need to revamp my eating habit, combine that with exercise, I should be able to shed 15kg within 6 months!

Why didn't I? Because the fried chicken is so yummy with rice! Because, that dhall curry and chapati is sooooo good! Because my son wants my attention, so I can't possibly go for my walk now. Because I slept late last night, so I want to sleep in. So many excuses and so little weight loss and more weight gain... Is it my imagination or is it more difficult to get back on revamping my lifestyle after having lapse once?

When will I change my eating habit? When will I start exercising? How long will I stick to eating healthy and exercising? Fruit juice in the morning, eat sensibly the rest of the day and exercise. Not difficult right? Then why can't I do it??


Si Yoyop Bah... said...

Alah...minum je tea tuoT. Mesti lps tu ckp, "Lihat buntutku...dah mengecil kan?????"

rambomadonna said...

Kalau macam aku dan suna, we don't thing ourselves as FAT ... we think ourselves as "voluptous" ... itu adjective yang boleh difikirkan bagi menutup obesiti.

mummy anne said...

kalau voluptous yg blh buat org horny tgk kita, best la!!! ni org geli tgk lemak situ sana sini...bergegar cam jelly.